Now that you understand what a Youthlab entails, including the principles and values, it is time to get practical.
The original exchange is a three-hour session that includes the preparation of youngsters and exchange with professionails. This model was tailored by each implementing partner according to their needs.
In addition, during the EU YouthLab project, many exchange sessions had to happen online due to COVID-19 restrictions. In order to counter the fatigue of the digital space, exchanges were broken down in multiple shorter sessions.
Below you will find the models of youth x justice exchange sessions that you can use as an inspiration for your own program. Remember that you might have to adapt them to your context, based on the needs of the youngsters and professionals.
Who is present during the Youth-x-Justice exchange?
- Young experience experts (trainers)
- Professionals (participants)
- Youthlab coordinator / facilitator (to support youth, liaison institutional host and moderate the exchange session)
- Institutional host (the organization representing the professionals).
The exchange usually lasts three hours and they focus on improving participants’ communication (skills) and empathic approach in their line of work. It is done so by:
- listening to young people’s life stories
- engaging with each other in (short) assignments.
By bringing these two parties together in a facilitated safe space, they are challenged – but also invited to “take off their coat” and open up as a professional/youngster to connect.
Below you can download the Session Overview and Session Outline.